Wednesday 23 October 2013

Rules - Beta


First shuffle the wizard deck and the loot deck.
The players decide who will play the wizard and who shall be the heroes, if the players can't agree on who should be the wizard, vote on who the most evil player is and that player is the wizard (You can't vote for yourself).
The wizard takes the tiles and make a grid, depending on the number of players the grid size of the grid differs:
3 players (1 wizard + 2 heroes) 5x5 grid.
4 players (1 wizard + 3 heroes) 6x6 grid.
5 players (1 wizards + 4 heroes) 7x7 grid.

The wizard then replaces the center tile with the wizard tower/Mana Wheel   if there is not exact center (6x6 grid) the wizard chooses one of the center tiles. The wizard also chooses which direction the tower entrance will face at the start.

After the grid has been created the heroes close their eyes and the wizard take the 3 artifact/key tiles and replace 3 of the tiles on the board with these tiles.

The wizard then draws 5 cards from the wizard deck and choose 3 of them to keep in his hand, the rest are shuffled into the deck again.

First Turn
The wizard then takes the first turn of the game.

All dice use in the game are twenty sided dice.

Each hero starts with 10 hit points.

Wizard tower / Mana Wheel

The Turn

The heroes has 2 phases on their turns, the first phase is the Movement phase during this phase the players can move 1 tile (or further if they've used an ability that allows them to that).
The second phase is the Combat phase, if there are any monsters in the room they entered they are now forced to fight these monsters.

The wizard starts his turn by drawing a card from his deck. He then plays any cards he can from his hand with the mana he has to use and ends his turn.
If the Mana Wheel is on max it can not be increased more and instead the wizard draws an extra card each turn. 

Movement phase

All the heroes movement happens simultaneous and the heroes can not go on to the next phase before all the heroes that want to move have moved. When a player enters a new tile, that player flips that tile and all tokens(see Wizard Cards) on that tile, if there are no monsters on that tile the player get to loot that room, by drawing 1 Loot Card. If a player can move more than 1 tile due to abilities, that player then gets to loot every tile without monsters on it that the player enters. If more than 1 player enters the same room they have to chose who gets the loot. A player can not move past a room with monsters in it without defeating them.

If a hero starts the turn on a tile with tokens on it (because of some spell or effect) that player can not move this turn. Instead you just flip all the tokens (and the tile if necessary) and resolve any combats and traps as usual.

Each tile has a Card Draw symbol and a Mana Wheel symbol and a positive or negative value next to the symbols. When the tile is turned face up the wizard draws or discard cards equal to the value next to the Card Draw symbol and spins the Mana Wheel up or down equal to the value next to the Mana Wheel symbol.

Combat phase

When all heroes have moved, they switch to the combat phase. If a player stands on a tile with 1 or more monster on it that player and the wizard both needs to roll dice. The wizard rolls 1 dice for the monster(s) and add the level of all monster(s) in the room. The player rolls a dice and add stats from their equipment ( see Loot cards).
If their is more than 1 player on a single tile all players roll a dice and choose the highest roll and add all of the players equipment. If the monster(s) score is higher than the player(s), the monsters win and vice versa, in case of a tie the player(s) win.
If the monster(s) win the player(s) have to move back to their previous tile and take 1 damage for each monster in the room they were fighting. If the player(s) win remove the monster(s) in the tile and the player(s) draw 1 Loot Card, if this is the first time a monster or monsters are defeated in this room instead draw 2 Loot Cards, if there were several players in the combat they have to chose who gets the loot.

If a hero is reduced to 0 hp he/she dies and is out of the game. Any loot and/or keys/artifacts that player has collected are placed on the tile where he/she died, any other player can pick up these items by moving into the tile and defeating any monster in it if necessary.

Artifacts/keys or "How to win the game"

In order to win the game the players have to collect the 3 hidden keys/artifacts by exploring tiles. When a player defeats the enemies in a tiles with a key symbol he/she receives a key/artifact and places that in front of him/her. When the players have all 3 keys/artifacts they can enter the central wizard tower. All keys must be used to enter the wizard tower. A player can give his/her keys to another player if they are in the same tiles. 
When the heroes enter the tower they must defeat any monster that have been placed there, if the succeed they cut down the wizard, chops his head of, pierces it with a spear and places it at top of the tower to show their dominance to any other would-be wizards or evildoers (i.e. they Win the game). 

Rage of the wizard!
When all three keys/artifacts have been picked up by the heroes the wizard rage makes the whole world shake and crumble. At the start of every wizard turn the wizard chooses a number of tiles equal to the number of players in the game (wizard + heroes) and remove them from the game. The wizard can not remove the last layer of tiles around the wizard tower and can not remove tiles in such a way that a player could not get to the wizard tower or a tile with keys/artifacts (if a hero has died and dropped it/them).

Wizard Cards

The wizard has 3 types of cards:
Monsters: These cards allows the wizard to place monsters of different levels on the board, whenever the wizard places tokens on the board he also places X amount of blank tokens so that the heroes don't know where the real monsters are. X is always defined on the card.
Traps: These cards allows the wizard to place trap tokens on the board and since they are tokens the wizard also places X amount of blank tokens on the board. All players that walks on a tile with a trap on it needs to do a 10+ saving throw. If a player fails a saving throw that player takes 2 damage.
Spells: These cards are effects that target players or rooms directly such as the frost bolt "All players in 1 tile skips their turn." Resolve the effect on the card and then discard it.

Placement of traps and Monsters
Monsters, traps and blanks can be placed on any tile that does not have a player on it. There can be a maximum number of tokens on a single tile equal to the total number of players in the game (wizard + heroes).

The Wizard Tower
The wizard can place monsters and blank tokens in the wizard tower tile, but the wizard may only start doing so after the heroes have collected all the 3 keys/artifacts. The wizard is after all a sophisticated fellow, he does not want to share his tower with orcs, dragons and their like if it is not absolutely necessary!

Whenever a card is played or discarded it is placed in a separate discard pile. If the deck run out of cards reshuffle the discard pile and use it as the new deck. 

Loot Cards

There are 2 types of loot cards:

Consumables: These are one use only cards, they include potions, abilities such as sprint and artifacts. Consumables can be played at any time, or when indicated on the card. 

Equipment: Equipment adds modifiers to the players rolls, such as "+3 damage" or "-1 Save Throw".

Equipment cards are placed in front of the player to indicate that it is equipped. Consumables are kept in the players hand and discarded when used.
A player can only have 2 swords equipped and 1 pair of boots. Any extra swords or boots looted can be kept in hand and traded to other players.

Sharing is caring
Heroes in the same tile can give loot cards to each other. 

Whenever a card is played or discarded it is placed in a separate discard pile. If the deck run out of cards reshuffle the discard pile and use it as the new deck.  

1 comment:

  1. Group 9's feedback
    We had fun playing the game. It felt like you had put a lot of thought into it and it worked like you wanted it to, although it needs a bit more tweaking. The wizard had a nice arc where he grew stronger all through the game, the problem was that he was too weak in the beginning of the game and too strong towards the end. The hero weapons seem to need some buffing, and there needs to be more, and probably bigger, health packs. We liked that the wizard got to place blank tokens as well as monsters. Traps seemed way too strong though. There was a problem when the heroes started dying off that the remaining hero(es) could no longer win because it wasn’t possible to roll a die high enough to beat the monsters. Maybe there could be some kind off buff for the last remaining hero, like rolling two dice and adding the numbers. And please make the game shorter ;) How long did one playthrough take us? 2 hours? 2,5?
